Get your projects done. Todos. Notes. Scheduling. Text-file based. Secure and future proof.
EasyOrg is compatible and comes with many of the functionalities provided by Emacs Org mode, but with more user friendliness. Both Editor, Agenda and Calendar provided. And Kanban Board.
Write free-form text notes. Todos with schedules and deadlines. Lists, links and more. Prioritize and track what you need to do in a powerful Agenda. All based on text files. Visualize and bring them to life. Table calculations included.
All your data are stored locally on your computer. We don't store it or transfer it to servers.
As your data are stored in normal text files you can read and edit it with any text editor you like, today and in the future. You don't depend on us or anyone else still being around. No need to pay a subscription for the rest of your life to access your data.
You can sync your data with other devices and the cloud by using a service of your choice such as GitHub, Dropbox, WebDAV, NextCloud etc. It's just text files. Or use our Capture Pad.
You can run EasyOrg on Mac, Linux and Windows. If you want to read and edit your files and get notifications on your phone then you can use Orgzly (Android) or beorg (iOS). Or any Android/iOS editor you like.
I love the way my orgmode files are rendered/displayed with the EasyOrg agenda.
The benefits of org mode without the clunkiness of Emacs.
I like EasyOrg so much that I bought it.
"This is good software. It allows the easy straightforward viewing, editing and working with org-mode formatted documents. I've moved to org-mode after using todo.txt for many years. It keeps the simplicity of a plain text file but adds more flexibility. Easyorg fills the same spot on my Linux laptop as Beorg on the iPhone and Orgzly on the aged android tablet. In all cases the same files can worked on using Nextcloud as a sync. I could and do use orgmode. It's just that Easyorg is ... easier and includes most of what I would usually use in org mode.
So if you are using org-mode then I'd recommend trying Easyorg and if you're not then I still recommend exploring. Have fun!"
If you want to give EasyOrg a test drive, simply download the Full trial version. After 14 days the trial expires, but you can continue to use it forever with the only limitation that above 250 lines or 20 todos no rendering will take place. The features are the same as the Paid version.
To continue using the app after the Trial period without any limitations you will need to buy a license for the paid version. Pay once, use forever. Just select the 'Buy & Download' button below.