
If auto-update does not work, or for whatever reason you are not using the latest version, please download the latest version manually here if you have purchased a license.

If you are using the trial version then you can use the link you got in the email to download the latest version.


Features and improvements

  • Updated license checking.


Features and improvements

  • Improved the Capture note modal text width.
  • Revert regression bug.
  • Added undo capabilties for capture pad.


Features and improvements

  • Improved the Capture note modal text width.


Features and improvements

  • Support for capturing notes from capture web app. See the docs about sync and capture as well as the website for the EasyOrg Capture App.
  • You can now change the heading text sizes used in the Preview by selecting prefered value in Settings.
  • Added insert links options in the context menu in the editor.


Features and improvements

  • Improved colors in light mode.
  • Added context menu items for the editor.
  • Follow internal links within the same file from the editor.
  • Added a setting for the Editor -> Preview synced scroll to turn this feature on/off.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed glitch where Settings UI could freeze on first start when new setting was introduced.


Features and improvements

  • Support for native notification toasts based on DEADLINEs. Needs to be turned on in Settings.
  • Scroll of Preview pane in sync with the editor's scroll position.
  • It's now possible to open multiple files at once via file dialog.
  • It's now possible to add note or tasks from the Preview panel using the GUI modal.
  • It's now possible to also insert relative file paths via context menu file dialog in addition to absolute paths.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue when opening Add Todo modal using Ctrl-Alt-T.


Features and improvements

  • Insert file links from Add/Edit modal using file selector.
  • Insert file links for editor context menu using file selector.
  • Follow links from inside the editor.
  • Show recently used files in menu (macOS)
  • Added vertical scrolling for each Kanban column individually.
  • Added scrolling in Settings modal.
  • Added scrolling in Add/Edit modal on smaller screens.
  • Do not allow undo/redo when editor has no focus.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed small glitch when opening external file which is already opened.
  • Fixed small issue occuring sometimes with scroll to when following internal links.
  • Keep cursor position when folding Properties.
  • When having autosave activated, now also saving when checking a checkbox from the agenda.


Features and improvements

  • Added increase/decrease heading level in editor i.e. add/remove stars to headings in a selection . (Ctrl-I/⌘-I and Ctrl-Shift-I/⌘-Shift-I)
  • Added delete task from Kanban board from edit modal.

Bug fixes

  • Copy current line down with prefix using Shift-Enter now also supports nested list items.
  • Fixed issue that agenda was shown empty the first time when going from Kanban/Table view to Agenda view.


Features and improvements

  • Kanban board powered by org mode.
  • Added 'unsaved changes' warning on Closing Note modal.


Features and improvements

  • Support embedding images from remote server.
  • Copy current line down with prefix using Shift-Enter.
  • Simplified the button for switching between Preview, Agenda and Table views.
  • Possible to define prefered Agenda panel view during startup, Preview/Agenda/Last.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed absolute links on Windows.


Bug fixes

  • Fix an issue with tabbing in modals.


Features and improvements

  • Improved tooltips on Mac
  • Improved handling following links to files that do not exist.

Bug fixes

  • Tabbing between input fields in modals stays within modals.
  • Undo/redo in modal text input works as expected again.
  • Made modals to not expand in width in certain cases.


Features and improvements

  • Added the possibility to move a task to another parent header via the Edit GUI.
  • Made the search box slightly wider.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that can occur if the file does not end with an empty line.


Features and improvements

  • Changed the default font used for first usage.


Features and improvements

  • Support for changing the font size in Agenda/Preview/Table-views as well as in the GUI forms.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the Add/edit GUI body text-area height setting.


Features and improvements

  • Agenda toggle which allows for editor-only mode.
  • In multi-file mode, single-clicking a task from other file does not show a toast message.
  • Change color of info toasts.
  • Improved support for repeater timestamps. No support yet for repeaters in agenda etc.
  • Minor performance improvements.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed background color in dark-mode in Table view.
  • Fixed an issue with timestamps on the format <YYYY-MM-DD ddd>.


Features and improvements

  • Multi-file support. Show tasks from all open files in the Agenda.
  • Search within all tasks in multi-file mode using the same search expressions as in singel-file mode.
  • Added search/filter on filename and category. Useful in multi-file agenda view.
  • The search box can be partially hidden to save screen space.
  • Smaller rendering performance improvements.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed background color in dark-mode in Table view.


Features and improvements

  • Added support for tag inheritance, i.e. the parent's tags can be made valid also for the child.
  • Added search for inherited tags in addition to non-inherited tags, 't' and 'tn'.
  • Added search/filter on custom property values.
  • NOT-based search for tags, priorities and states.
  • Tags can be searched using AND and OR logic.
  • Search on scheduling and timestamps using 'none' instead of a timestamp to find tasks without scheduling.
  • Improved the error message when trying to save a file to a read-only directory.


Features and improvements

  • Export to CSV.
  • File History versioning and file diffing (needs to be activated in Settings).
  • Autosave (needs to be activated in Settings).
  • 'Save As...' is back.
  • Activated user configurable deadline warning dates.
  • Updated deadline warning highlighting symbol.

Bug fixes

  • Small improvements and fixes to the syntax checker.


Features and improvements

  • Support for printing/pdf of Agenda, Preview and Table views.

Bug fixes

  • Fix freeze which could occur when a deadline timestamp was within the deadline warning period.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed and improved the color coding of todo states in the editor.


Features and improvements

  • Better support for LOGBOOK drawers and custom drawers.
  • Suport for 'CLOCK' key in LOGBOOK drawer. Multiple clocks in one item are added together in the Table view.
  • Support for calculations on clocking in Table view.
  • Narrower window for better stand-alone Agenda view.
  • Support for search on parent header using 'h.'
  • Better user feedback when contact lost to file on cloud or remote server.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a few false positives in the org syntax validator.


Features and improvements

  • When searching in List view we now also show DONE items in the search results eventhough the Show Done items switch is not active.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue with saving settings in some cases.


Features and improvements

  • Possibility to archive tasks below an Archive header.
  • A 'No Sorting' option in the agenda view to avoid tasks moving around while assigning and timestamping tasks.
  • Made insert created at a config setting from the org-file so that individual files can handle this differently.
  • Show parent header text on todo card. Configurable via settings GUI and per-file via file based setting.
  • Daily journal button to easily and quickly open/show a custom defined daily journal file.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue when searching in List view which caused Done todos to show up even if that toggle was switched off.
  • Fixed an issue with folding properties in editor.


Features and improvements

  • Improved text search in Agenda including search using quotation marks.
  • Added more sort options.
  • Improved TODO/DONE colors in Preview.
  • Highlighting DEADLINEs in red in case they are close to their deadlines.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed some issues using OR in search in some cases.


Features and improvements

  • Follow links to link targets in other org-files.
  • Link previews. Hovering over an internal link shows the header-content of the linked to item.
  • Improved the Agenda search with respect to AND and OR logic.
  • Improved some colors in dark mode for select-boxes and buttons.


Features and improvements

  • Added possibility to save searches in Agenda an Preview.
  • Added more context menu functions in editor.
  • Improved checkbox lists and made checkboxes clickable from Agenda/preview.
  • Find backlinks feature to help find all items linking to a specific Todo.
  • Possibility to open/show the file directly from the Global File Search search result.
  • Added state-type search, i.e. search for todo-type states or done-type states or none-todo-type states.
  • Added built-in support for ID property in addition to CUSTOM_ID.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed small issue with mark do today/tomorrow from Editor context menu.


Features and improvements

Bug fixes

  • Fixed inconsistency when switching panels and editor visibility.


Bug fixes

  • Improved list checkbox on Mac.


Features and improvements

  • Links to images (jpg, png, gif) are now rendered on the preview and agenda view.
  • Improved formatting of lists and tables in preview and agenda panel.
  • Added shortcut for toggling Table view.
  • Made Ctrl+Alt+F shortcut to work also from Preview and Table view.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed shortcut on Mac for agenda view changer.


Features and improvements

  • Added support for spreadsheet like calculations in Org tables. The in-cell formulas are calculated and the result shown in the preview/agenda panel.
  • Updated to support new licensing model, with Free-forever version.


Features and improvements

  • Improved insert order when adding todos via GUI starting from bkank slate.
  • Can now select a header to put the Todo below in the Add modal even if that header does not yet have any other todos.
  • Improved tooltips to make them easier to show.
  • Do not add created at timestamp in case adding non-todo item via GUI.
  • Added row count at bottom of table view.
  • Now showing the body text when hovering the title in the table view.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed history issue when adding a todo.


Features and improvements

  • Support rendering of Org syntax for horizontal bar and Verse and Example.
  • New search/filter query for header levels (eg.: l.3).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed edit issue when editing from Table view.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed header coloring on Preview panel.
  • Fixed performance issue when switching to panels.


Bug fixes

  • Fix issue with history after delete of a todo.
  • Improve vertical scroll bar in agenda.
  • Fix small issue with edit from Table view.


Bug fixes

  • Fix issue where delete GUI did not work in some instances.


Features and improvements

  • Added support for Chinese and Korean in tags.


Features and improvements

  • Show a todo's properties in a tooltip when hovering.

Bug fixes

  • Fix calculation operator selector so it is not possible to select two different operators for row calculations.


Features and improvements

  • Configurable header colors for Preview panel.
  • New Table view. Show all header items in a plain table sheet. Entries with properties will have each properties in its own column.
  • Possibility to do basic row calculations of selected columns (mult, sum) as well as column calculations of selected columns (sum, min, max, mean).
  • GUI for adding and editing org properties.


Features and improvements

  • Improved the timestamp based searches. Now everything references the date (le or ge) and one can use two timestamp searches to create periods.
  • Implemented search and sort on created at timestamps.
  • Added search on priority and state.
  • Added CREATED at timestamps when creating Tasks via GUI.
  • Implemented quick insert buttons for the Add/Edit GUI.
  • Improved search highlighting for AND search.
  • Small design improvements


Features and improvements

  • Entries, both Todo and non-Todo items, with an active timestamp are now visible in the agenda. They are always visible in the Calendar view and optionally via checkbox in the other views. This allows for more usecases outside of purely handling Todos.
  • Non-Todo items can be updated via GUI.
  • Non-Todo items which have a SCHEDULED or DEADLINE timestamp are shown i the agenda.
  • The header colors in the editor are now different depending on their level to make them more distinct. Some themes do override this so it is not visible when using some themes.
  • It's now possbile to search/filter by active timestamps (events) such as 'e.le.2w'.
  • It's now possbile to search by using AND and OR operators.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the date picker colors in dark mode.
  • Fixed issue with last one or two characters in the editor hidden behind scrollbar on Mac in some cases.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug where in some cases the CLOSED timestamp of a Done todo is removed when it should not be removed.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug where editing a scheduled todo via GUI did not work in some cases.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug with file-CHANGED indicator which turns on again directly after save on Mac.


Features and improvements

  • Added datepicekers to the edit modal.
  • Implemented search on preview panel.
  • Implemented search highlighting on preview panel
  • Improved context menus on preview panel.
  • Improve list and list item formatting on preview panel.
  • Imlemented variable body textarea on Add/Edit form via settings.
  • Implemented a confirmation step before cancelling the Edit form in case any edits were made.
  • Changed so it is not possible to switch file via ctrl+tab or file selector when Add/Edit GUI is open to avoid saving in unintended file.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with DONE state not shown in Edit GUI for DONE todos.
  • In some cases the removing of CLOSED timestamp when changing from DONE to other state was not done.
  • Fixed issue when trying to mark an already DONE todo as DONE.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an EoL issue on Windows platform.


Features and improvements

  • 'Reaveal in agenda' now also works from the editor body text context menu.
  • The history is now kept per file so it is kept when switching files.
  • Added basic Org mode syntax tooltip on the Add/Edit GUI.

Bug fixes

  • Using Closing Notes now works also from the preview panel.
  • The history now correctly account for when scheduling timestamps, closing notes, effort and custom id has been added or removed.
  • Fixed issue when deleting todo when no space between the Todos or no body.


Features and improvements

  • Search by tags
  • Search by scheduling dates
  • Free-text search with two or more words allows the words to occur anywhere in the todo instead of after each other.
  • The search expressions can be combined (see the search documentation for more details.)
  • When performing a 'Reveal in Agenda' from the editor, the todo is saved in the history.

Bug fixes

  • In some cases a free-text search did not find result in case of upper case.
  • Todo states set in the Settings UI where not taking effect.


Features and improvements

  • Improved history function.
  • Improved the reveal in agenda scroll behaviour.
  • Scroll agenda to top when showing search results instead of the saved scroll position.
  • Added manual check for SW update button.

Bug fixes

  • Fix bug if last todo in file is on last line in file as then the edit GUI would not pick up the last line.
  • History is now not cleared during save.


Features and improvements

  • Minor licensing changes.


Features and improvements

  • Storing last 10 visited TODO positions in history for easy moving backwards and forwards.

Bug fixes

  • Fixes a slow changed-file indicator. The slow behaviour got introduced in v0.8.1.


Bug fixes

  • Fixes an issue with licensing on Windows.


Features and improvements

  • Support for Mac M1 processors.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed datepicker not working in calendar view.
  • Fixed issue highlighting of today's date in datepicker not working in some instances.
  • Fixed calendar view header highlighting of todays date.
  • Performance improvements.


Features and improvements

  • Possibility to scroll by week in the Agenda calendar view.
  • Context menu item for to create CUSTOM_ID and copy to clip-board.
  • CUSTOM_ID visible as tooltip on TODO keyword in Agenda.
  • Improved scroll position after search.
  • Added more shortcuts.
  • Added custom line height in user settings.
  • Last opened file is now always visible if more than one file was opened in last session.
  • Remembers agenda scroll position per file and agenda view type.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed linking to custom id.


Features and improvements

  • Implemented insert table and code blocks buttons.
  • Added shortcuts and menu options for agenda features.
  • Improved navigation via keyboard.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed validation of todo states definition in settings modal.


Features and improvements

  • Implemented document preview
  • Implemented table and source code rendering in todos.
  • Implemented insert table and code blocks buttons.

Bug fixes


Features and improvements

  • Fixed formatting issues with rendering.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug when editing styled text in GUI.


Features and improvements

  • Added short-cuts.
  • Reveal in agenda now also finds and scrolls to hidden Done todos.
  • Improved syntax highlighting of headings in editor.


Features and improvements

  • Added help and feedback links.
  • Added example file.
  • Implemented date picker in add modal.
  • Implemented date picker in Closing Note modal.
  • Support open edit modal via double click on text.
  • Added focus on heading textarea in add/edit modal and closing note modal.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug with sorting in agenda.
  • Fixed edge case issue with update via GUI.